
Family Development

With a strong and stable foundation, we believe children thrive!

Since 2021, 30-50 of our WGYB families participate in Leadership Development classes. In these classes, families are educated on topics such as financial literacy, parenting, and nutrition. The intention of these classes is not just to increase knowledge but to encourage families to build habit patterns that they can use to make positive changes in every area of their lives. This approach shifts the focus from simply learning new ideas to focusing on how to put these ideas into practice.

We believe that when these families have their needs met, when they are given a community that supports them, and when they have the opportunity to grow in the right learning environment they will be able to find success in ways that break them free of the cycle of need.

How We Were Able To Help

Community Impact Project Gallery Coming Soon

Our Impact

Interested in supporting our pilot program and getting to know the families we serve? We are always looking for individuals with expertise in a leadership and family development area or academic institutions to partner with to make this program a success.

of Financial Literacy

of Nutrition Education

of Habit Engagement

“As a parent educator I have the opportunity to celebrate the milestones that the parents reach. Seeing the growth that they achieve brings me great joy and fulfillment and fuels me to keep walking alongside and challenging them.”

Noel Nicholas
Giving Children Hope’s Parent Educator

Other Programs

We have four primary programs, which complement each other in pursuit of helping children and families break out of the cycle of need into success and self-sustainability. Get to know our programs and ways you can get involved.

We’ve Got Your Back

In partnership with 82+ schools, local food banks and grocery stores, we are on a mission to ensure every child has access to healthy food options.

Distribution Center

Builds bridges between our school partners and charities and corporate contributions to ensure every child has a home that is furnished with the essentials.

Seasonal Programs

In partnership with the greater Giving Children Hope community, we host Summer and Holiday programming such as our Holiday Wrapping Parties.