Qualified Charitable Distributions

Qualified Charitable Distributions

Did you know that if you meet certain criteria you may be able to gift money directly from your IRA to Giving Children Hope? To do this you must be over 70 ½ years old, the distribution must be a required minimum and cannot exceed $100,000.

The advantage? The Gift satisfies your RMD, is not reported as Taxable on your return and in the event that you do not itemize your deductions you’ve effectively received the tax savings benefit of supporting GCH.

To qualify, the trustee of your IRA must transfer the money directly from the IRA to Giving Children Hope. Always contact your CPA or professional advisor when making financial decisions.

For more information, please contact Monica Horner mhorner@gchope.org 714-523-4454 X105

Donor Advised Funds

If you have a donor advised fund, you can recommend a grant from your fund to Giving Children Hope. Gift giving is simple and impactful. GCH Tax ID #95-3464287